
Polar Vertigo

As we are facing yet another heatwave this summer, I thought I would share this photo from a few years ago. To mark the occasion of the COP21 climate-change conference in France and underline the importance of art and imagination as powerful tools for driving change, SNCF, the French national railway company teamed up with […]


Revival meets Modern

Designed in Greek Revival style with neo-Egyptian elements and Modern architecture extensions, the Palais de Justice in Strasbourg features a surprising mix of architectural styles.  The modern touch was introduced by the architect Jordi Garcés in the course of the renovation work that ended in 2016. Conçu dans un style néo-grec avec des éléments néo-égyptiens […]


Spotting the ISS

Capturing an ISS flyby is actually not that difficult, you just need to be prepared. Have a look at an ISS tracker such as Spot The Station to get a list of upcoming space station sighting opportunities for your location. Then wait for clear skies on a given date and you are almost good to […]


At the Pond

Great Crested Grebes, Egyptian Geese and ducks must have had a quiet and relaxing spring this year, as access to the pond was prohibited until last weekend due to the lockdown. The access restriction will be lifted this week and their offspring will no doubt be surprised by the human activities resuming ashore. Les grèbes […]


Ephemeral Moments

Eight years after its initial launch, welcome to the brand new version of this blog! The content of the old version is now just an archived piece of binary code, as I decided to restart from scratch. This is why I have chosen to illustrate this first post with a sand mandala that was patiently […]